Monday, January 15, 2007

Marchesi De Frescobaldi 2003 Remole

Winery: Marchesi De Frescobaldi

Region: Toscana

Alcohol: 12.5%

Cost: $8.99

Frescobaldi is a very large Italian winery that makes my favorite Chianti Nippozano. Remole is their cheapest wine and is usually good for an everyday drink with pizza kind of wine. This is definitely a wine that you get what you pay for. It is decent $8.99 wine, but I wouldn't take this over to someones house for a dinner party. I opened up a bottle on Friday, and I don't know if it was residual effect of having the flu, or simply the after affects of the slight concussion I got on the previous Monday, but I had difficulty drinking this. I don't want to say never try this because I've enjoyed this wine many times in the past, but there just wasn't much to this wine. - That being said, its only $8.99 so it doesn't break the bank.

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